A story that
begins in 1900
School memories
are not forgotten
The future of our children
is here
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Welcome to Primary
School of Gonni

The historic Primary School of Gonni, with respect for the past and its establishment in 1900, draws on the experiences that shaped its identity, faces the challenges of the present and plans a future with perspective and opportunities for its students.

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Δημοτικό Σχολείο Γόννων


Through the constant effort to implement modern and effective education methods, our school participates in educational programs offering unique experiences in our pupils
Program ERASMUS+


We participate in the Erasmus + program exchanging views with teachers from all over Europe 
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Πρόγραμμα e-twinning


Our school systematically implements transnational e-Twinning school twinning programs
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Teacher 4 Europe


We engage interactively with educators from all over Europe
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Το φασματοσκόπιο της Διαδικτυακής Βίας


I'm learning to spot and prevent gender-based online violence


Our school participates in Erasmus+ KA1 programs and publishes books with the results of student research


Our school participates in Erasmus+ KA1 programs and publishes books with the results of student research
Ένταξη προσφύγων / μεταναστών μαθητών

Integration of refugee/immigrant students -
Dissemination of the results of the Erasmus+ KA1 program

It was published by the Primary School of Gonni in February 2020. It concerns the further development and expansion of the material training project with contract code 2017-1-EL01-KA101- 035800, which was implemented in the school year 2017-2018 by the school.

The training had the theme "Facing Diversity: Intercultural Classroom Management and Immigrants Integration". From the particularly interesting training material of the Europass - TeacherAcademy organization, the educational activities of the book emerged, which were enriched and are the product of collaborations that arose in the context of the dissemination of the results of the Erasmus+ KA1 program.

We find it useful to share the material developed with the educational community.
We are trying through this book to spread the results of the program in our school.
Ένταξη προσφύγων / μεταναστών μαθητών

Multicultural Activities for diversity management
and teaching in mixed ability classes

The book was created for the dissemination to the educational community of the training results within the Erasmus+ KA1 2016-2017 program.

We find it useful to share the material developed with the educational community.

We are trying through this book to spread the results of the program in our school. 
Gonni, Tempi Municipality, 40004, Larissa, Greece
Phone : +30 24950 31240
Email : mail@dim-gonnon.lar.sch.gr

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